I thought he was a single father, but it turned out not to be so at all

I thought he was a single father, but it turned out not to be so at all

I have a great relationship with my brother’s wife. She is a wonderful woman and actually manages to do everything: she takes care of herself, cleans the apartment and cooks. Her brother does not have a soul in her. But she has one minor “minus”. Anna can’t do two things at the same time. She either cooks food, or looks after the child …

Therefore, I often helped her, taking little Mira for a walk. My niece was then one and a half years old. She was very much like her brother. And accordingly, she looked more like my daughter than a nephew, because my brother and I were just a copy of each other.

My university holidays began, and I walked with Mira almost every day. Once in the park I saw a man of rather handsome appearance. Near him was a stroller with twins. I smiled at him and he nodded back. From that moment on, we always greeted each other for about a week.

The man was always with his invariable stroller. After a while, we started talking about the weather, raising children, diapers and other nonsense. He enjoyed playing with Mira, and I walked with his stroller.

The twins were simply amazing: blue eyes, wheaten hair and a few perky freckles on snub noses. They did everything in sync: they cried, laughed and crap diapers. Over time, I became so attached to the children that I even began to miss them. Anton, that was the name of the man, often trusted me to change his twin diapers while he walked with Mira.

He looked to be no more than twenty-five. Probably, a young dad … Sometimes I was so offended that he had a life, because I subconsciously dreamed of becoming a part of him. Sometimes I dreamed how we would all become a family together and walk with his children.

One fine day Anton asked me:

– Tell me honestly, Lisa, are you a single mother?

– Yes! I lied to see his reaction.

– You are so good! I am proud of you! He smiled and took my hand.

— Where is your wife? I asked, burning with curiosity.

“She left me…” he sighed.

And then I felt an extraordinary sense of relief. It meant that everything was real and my wildest dreams could easily come true. At the same moment, Anton leaned towards me, but Mira interrupted me. She ran out of the sandbox and dragged him along. I sighed, knowing full well that everything would soon change.

The next day I put on the most beautiful dress, did amazing makeup and went to the park. I left the world at home. Unfortunately, Anton never came. The day before, he forgot a purse with a wallet in my stroller. I found a business card in it with his phone number and home address. The cell phone was switched off, and I went in search of Anton. Fortunately, the house indicated on the business card was not far away.

Very worried, I rang the doorbell. I was opened by a young beautiful blonde with blue eyes and a snub nose in coquettish freckles.

– Probably, this is his wife and she returned! I thought as I handed her the purse. But out of the blue I said:

It’s Anton! He forgot in the park yesterday.

– Thank you! she smiled. – Are you his friend?

– I am Lisa! I sighed and quickly left.

The next day, Anton was not in the park. All week I walked with Mira and dreamed of seeing my beloved at least from afar. Yes, when I lost him, I realized that I really fell head over heels in love!

Anton came with a girl who opened the door for me only two weeks later. He immediately rushed to me and took my hand.

– Hello! My name is Ira! I am the mother of these wonderful children. Thank you for keeping my brother company. He ended up in the hospital. It’s just been posted…

I broke into a stupid smile. It was so sweet… He helped his sister all the time.

– Is this your daughter? – said Ira.

– No, this is my niece. I just didn’t dare to admit it to Anton. I was confused.

– Lisa, let’s meet! Anton put in his five cents.

That day I became the happiest girl in the whole world. A year later we got married.

And now we are walking in one big happy company: me, Anton, our daughter Victoria, the twins with my mother Ira and her husband Kostya, my brother, his wife and Mira.

This is how you can meet your soul mate right on the playground in the park.

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