The 16-year-old heiress to the star told Dana how her mother once put her out on the street in a foreign, unfamiliar country

Everyone knows that Borissova suffered from drug addiction for several years in a row, with a young daughter in her arms. The girl still remembers the horror that she had to endure in early childhood. Recently, Dana and Pauline became participants in the show “Honest Word”, where they had to go through a polygraph, answering personal questions. The 16-year-old heiress of the star told the public how her mother once put her on the street in a foreign, unfamiliar country.

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It happened during their trip to Spain together. Borisova got drunk, yelled at her daughter, who was only eight years old, and kicked her out the door.

“I was roaring so hard, I didn’t know what to do. I ran to some store, there was a Russian woman there. They helped me,” – recalled Polina. The presenter admitted her guilt. Borisova explained that that period of life was one of the most terrible for her. Then she could afford to swear at her only daughter.

Daddy was abusive, grandmother beat": Dana Borisova's daughter told about the conflict with her father - Sobesednik

“I was just at the bottom then, the fear was terrible. I perceived her as an equal, I wanted to hurt her,” – said the star.

To date, according to Borisova, she has not used illegal substances for five years. She managed to work through all of her daughter’s traumas and apologize for the offenses inflicted. Now, according to 16-year-old Polina, she and her mom are friends.

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