Photos That Will Make You Want to Get a Dog Immediately

A dog is a friend of man! Everyone knows it, and it is hard not to give in to the charm and loyal look of these amazing tails. Sometimes strong friendship with them makes us better and helps us overcome difficulties.

Julian and his Newfoundland Max have been exploring the world together since they were babies.

In Sochi, Peruvian Ricardo rescued Businka, a stray dog with an injured paw, during the World Cup. When he returned to his homeland, he made the decision to take the little girl back to his home country and came to Russia to pick her up.

Iselin Rosa Borch is a survivor of Breivik’s massacre on the island of Uteia. According to the girl, her dog was the only thing that helped her through the disorder that started after the tragic events.

These dogs are Andrew Jerman’s loyal friends as they prepare for a new hunting season with him.

Eric suffered from obesity and diabetes. Doctors gave a disappointing prognosis, but advised him to get a dog. At the shelter, the man chose an overweight dog named Petey, and together they managed to lose weight, improve their health, and simply transform themselves.

A man cuddles his dog rescued from the rubble of a home after a tornado.

Hours before he was put to sleep, Heather picked up John from the shelter. Now they do everything together!

Specially trained dogs help kids deal with fear in dentistry.

Kelly and his malamute Loki have traveled halfway around the world together!

John takes his elderly dog to the water every day and helps him relax: due to health problems, he can only sleep this way.

Italian grandmother Kelly and her devoted dog.

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