“How do cats show their love for their owners?”

We all know that dogs actively express their love for their owners. They wag their tails, throw themselves on their hands and rest their muzzles in the palms of their hands. Cats are another matter. They have a reputation for being selfish, preferring to live on their own. However, even mustached pets show their feelings for their owners. They just do it in a very different way.

This can be perceived as a compliment. After all, cats by nature are loners. And so the animal shows that it trusts the man and can safely fall asleep in his presence, without fear of danger.

Cat walks around the house with a high and slightly twisted tail

The animal in this way welcomes the person. The cat is happy to see its owner.

The cat squints or slowly closes its eyes

This is a movement he makes out of pleasure. This gesture is sometimes referred to as “kissing the cat” – one of the highest signs of a pet’s affection for a human.

A cat licking a person’s face or trying to fix their hair

Perhaps to the touch, the pet’s tongue is not the most pleasant thing that touched you. However, it is an unequivocal gesture of intimacy between animal and human.

Cat rubs cheeks


In this way, the animal marks “its” human. The cat produces odorous pheromones that their fellow cats smell. Now they all know to whom the person “belongs”.

“Gifts” from cats

These animals are peculiar to bring “gifts” in the form of killed small animals in the house. So cats show that with these people they are one family.

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