Doberman and Cat: An Unusual Case of Maternal Care.

Interaction and kindness are the foundations of peace, especially in the context of interactions between different species. The site tells the story of a case in which a Doberman dog and a domestic cat became pregnant. But their births went badly. All the puppies were stillborn, and the cat died in childbirth, but managed to give birth to three kittens.

The story took place on a farm in India owned by Subramani. When a worried and grieving dog saw the kittens, she felt that they were now her babies. She began to feed them, keep them warm and protected. She did not allow anyone, not even their owner, to go near them for fear that they might go missing. Now that the kittens are grown, the dog has lessened her guardianship but still watches over them.

The kittens consider her their mom, as their behavior shows. Although such cases are not unique, they always evoke kind and warm feelings!

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