Even though it may be tempting to get a pet from a kennel, the sad reality is that animal shelters are overflowing with animals of all breeds and ages. And they are all looking forward to finding their permanent home where they will be loved, fed delicious food and scratched fluffy tummy. Web users share inspiring transformations of pets they’ve picked up off the street or taken from a shelter, and there’s hardly anything more touching than these before-and-after photos.
«The day I found her and a month later. She was thin and sick and now healthy and happy.»
«I adopted Dobby in December 2018 and honestly, it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. Благодаря ему моя жизнь стала намного лучше. He brightens up my bad days and makes the good ones even better.»
«Louisey when I found her and 3 years later.»
6 months of progress
«I don’t know where all that wool came from.»
Because adoption matters
«I rescue animals for my own money, and sometimes I need reminders of why I work so hard. Here’s a ‘before’ and ‘after’ that will make your day brighter!»
Day 1 and Day 730
«В прошлом году, 8 сентября, я нашла эту бедную маленькую кошку у своей входной двери, впустила ее, и она больше никогда не выходила»
«Before and after I adopted my buddy»
«I found this kitten abandoned in the middle of the road, too weak and hungry to get to safety. The photo on the right shows what 6 days of cuddles by the fireplace, lots of food and a cozy bed can do»
From sadness to joy
What love and care can do to a street cat
Amazing transformation!
«Dalila just over a year ago and now.»
Juno was one of 90 dogs rescued from the home of a man suffering from hoarding. She now has a permanent home where she is loved