Neighbor Andryushka, despite his young age, had a clear life plan. He dreamed and knew how to get rich and pay off that terrible mortgage, because of which he hardly saw his parents. The 8-year-old boy had already read all the books of Dale Carnegie and all the stories of rich people, from Ford to Satoshi Nakamoto. He has even had a few words with Zuckerberg on Facebook in English!
Not only that — the future businessman started saving up money for some super promising startup. He used to put the change saved on gum and Coke into a piggy bank and hide his wealth on a shelf behind his books. And then one day all business plans not by years independent boy was under the threat of failure.
Once Andriushka rushed from the street very excited, even frightened. He rushed to the bookshelf, pulled out of the stash of his piggy bank and with all his might bang it on the floor!
His mother and grandmother were stunned and bewildered. To put an end to all questioning, the little man said briefly that he needed money urgently! A lot! Life or death!!! And then, quickly picking up change from the floor, he ran out of the apartment.
Of course, mom and grandma were not going to remain bystanders of such a strange performance. The women hastily changed their home clothes for street clothes and also rushed to the yard. It turned out that the children had a huge local problem! A car had hit a puppy right in the yard, and if it hadn’t been for the boys who were nearby, it could have ended badly.
The boys urgently took the dog to the veterinary hospital where the father of the neighbor’s Olezhka works. There the poor thing was given first aid and, having diagnosed a fracture of a leg, they performed an operation and then put a splint on it.
Olezhkin’s dad said that the boys are great guys, because they saved the poor animal’s life! And for the sake of them, his son’s friends, the vets performed all these surgical manipulations free of charge.
But then we need money for treatment and maintenance of the dog in the clinic. Otherwise he’ll be taken to a shelter. And if there are no conditions for the care of the patient, the poor dog will have to be put to sleep. The sum by the boy’s standards was sounded simply unaffordable.
When the dog, already nicknamed Druzhok, fell asleep, the boys and joined them neighbor girl Irka gathered at the council. Where to get money for medicine and further rehabilitation? There was no question of giving the rescued puppy to a shelter or, even worse, putting it to sleep. It was scary to even think about it!
And then Olezhka said that he had 500 rubles! Grandma gave it to him for his birthday, but he had not yet had time to spend it. And Irka immediately said that she had stashed 200 rubles. She wanted to buy herself a real lipstick, and that she is only allowed to use hygienic, they say that she is still small. She’ll get by. She’ll buy it later. Rostik shook out 150 rubles from his stash. He was saving them for a present for his older sister. She saved his life a year ago — she donated blood when the boy needed an operation!
After that Andryushka rushed home to get his piggy bank. When his mother and grandmother went out into the yard, the boys were sitting on a bench and counting money. From excitement they kept getting confused and could not realize how much they still lacked.
Adults living in the same yard were passing by. When they found out what had happened, they also tossed coins and bills to the children — whoever thought it was necessary. Of course, Andryushkin’s mother and grandmother made their contribution. The guys are completely confused in the calculations. And then, fortunately, from work came Andryushkin dad. Having heard the terrible story, he «brought the debit and credit» and reported the missing amount. And then he went to the veterinary clinic and paid for the puppy’s treatment.
A week later, Druzhok settled at Andriushka’s house. But all the boys in the yard consider him their own and take turns taking him for walks. Andryushka himself is now saving up not for some super-duper startup, but for a very real business — helping shelters for homeless animals.