No one in the world has aged as gracefully as she did”: How the legendary actress Vera Lisi looked at 78

There are plenty of beautiful young girls. Far fewer are women who know how to age beautifully. Before the world of Italian cinema found its star in the form of Monica Bellucci, it was enamored with Virna Lisi.

This talented actress received numerous awards throughout her career. However, ordinary viewers loved her more for her rare beauty and grace. They truly fell in love when Virna began to age.

It may seem strange, but the situation is exactly the same as with Monica Bellucci. Everyone acknowledges her beauty in her youth, but they admire her even more for how gracefully she embraces her age.

To understand where this great love for the mature Virna comes from, all you need to do is flip through her photos. Unfortunately, the actress passed away in 2014. She was 78 years old.

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