If a person loves cats, it means they are psychologically healthy.

Some people, for entirely inexplicable reasons, may harbor an aversion to cats. Psychologists note that this is an opportunity to analyze one’s life and make some changes. The majority of people have a positive attitude towards members of the feline family, while a much smaller number may shoo away animals, get irritated, or find it difficult to be around four-legged companions.

According to specialists, the role of cats in human life goes beyond merely catching mice and rats; they are also believed to contribute to the restoration of a person’s biofield. These animals have a unique bioenergetic system capable of resonating with a person’s biofield. Additionally, a cat in the house serves as a precise indicator of the energy within the home. When the energy is positive, the cat eats well, sleeps soundly, and grooms itself meticulously. However, during conflicts or arguments, the cat may become nervous, vocalize loudly, neglect self-care, and even damage personal belongings.

Pay attention: when someone offends a child, the cat invariably approaches them and purrs; in this way, it tries to restore emotional balance. Moreover, cats somehow inexplicably discern who is right and who is at fault in a quarrel and always defend the one taking the right position.

Amazing fact: according to statistics, 90% of people with alcohol addiction do not like cats. Additionally, people with a challenging life, those who have experienced psychological or physical abuse, often have tense relationships with pets. People who consider themselves undervalued and seek admiration also tend to dislike cats. Cats can sense what is troubled in a person’s soul, and this is precisely what causes rejection from the animals.

Therefore, if someone does not like cats, it is worth reflecting on their inner world, their relationships with others, and considering making some changes.

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