48% of men prefer sex for love, while women, entering into intimate closeness, are guided by emotional attachment in only 39% of cases.
Scientists conducted a large-scale study to find out for whom sex for love has greater value – for men or for women. As it turned out, it is the stronger sex that much more often relies on emotions when choosing a partner for intimacy.
Experts conducted a study involving more than 6,000 volunteers of both genders. All participants answered questionnaire questions. It was found that 48% of men prefer sex for love, while women, entering into intimate closeness, are guided by emotional attachment in only 39% of cases. In other words, representatives of the male gender much more often ‘think with their hearts’ when choosing a partner for sex than the female gender. 69% of surveyed women do not consider love a necessary condition for a fulfilling sex life, and 66% of respondents admitted to having a great sexual experience without feelings for the partner. Among men, there are fewer such individuals – 62%.
Scientists also found that women more often than men prefer various sexual games with partners to whom they have not developed emotional attachment. According to researchers, the erotic bestseller ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ influenced this situation. After the novel by E. L. James quickly spread around the world, women became more open to experimentation in the intimate sphere.
Recall that earlier, specialists were able to dispel the myth that casual sex is initiated by men in most cases, not women: as it turned out, the situation is quite the opposite.