A cat named Tula lives in the United Kingdom. This fluffy domestic pet is of Siberian breed, eleven years old, and used to frequently visit a local restaurant called «Toby Carvery,» where she was gladly provided with a portion of food.
However, it became clear one day that Tula had her secrets. Even after the lifting of quarantine restrictions, she continued to show up at the restaurant, meowing at the entrance to receive treats from customers or staff. After she had her fill, Tula would disappear, leaving the mystery of her whereabouts.
Her regular appearances at the restaurant would have continued for a long time if the staff hadn’t decided to uncover her secret. The waitstaff came up with a note that they attached to the cat’s collar. This way, Tula was returned to her owners, Clark and Alice Coulam.
When Alice read the note, a second aspect of her pet’s life was revealed. It turned out that the cat regularly visited the local nursing home, where she mastered the art of begging for food from the elderly, evoking their compassion with her hungry and lonely appearance.
Upon learning about this, the owners posted a photo of Tula and the note online, assuring everyone that their pet lives in cozy conditions and is always well-fed. They also expressed gratitude to the restaurant staff and visitors for their attention to the cat.
Since then, the Couls have been carefully monitoring Tula, trying to prevent her escapes. In case of a successful getaway, the cat immediately heads to her favorite restaurant. The Couls personally visited the establishment to assure the staff that their pet is not hungry but rather skillfully playing on people’s emotions. Interestingly, during the owners’ visit, Tula was once again spotted at a table, pleading with visitors for a meal.