A family adopts Betty after the death of her owner. She was very large for her breed, weighing 120 kilograms. Loving and gentle, she is a big dog that resembles a plush lion.
This tender soul has recently endured terrible truths. She lost her friend, who spent his entire life in the company of an old man. Neighbors reported that the man was quiet and took care of himself, but everyone around knew that he loved his dog.
Since he passed away at the end of winter, the neighbors thought someone would come to take care of her, but no one did. No one came.
The neighbors gathered and decided to take care of her themselves. They gave her food, they gave her water to drink. One of the neighbors realized that the animal cannot live alone, he goes and meets with the dog.
He wanted the other part of his life, the dog, to be spent in a good family. The dog brought happiness and joy to the whole family.