unloading days are good for them too, they don’t need gifts to lose weight. We offer you several treatment options.< / h2>
Unloading day helps the body to “rest” and get rid of accumulated harmful substances.
Specialists recommend that you unload the body once a week. On this day should be reduced physical activity.
By the evening of the previous day of unloading, the caloric content of food should already be reduced. It is undesirable to eat after 6 pm. For dinner, you should dress a salad or drink kefir.
The next day after unloading, you can eat a little more for breakfast. Eat porridge and drink water. If you feel good, you can also eat fruits and vegetables. Breakfast should be part of your unloading day.
If you notice that you have lost weight, an unloading day will not help much. It is recommended to repeat it every week.
Do not get hung up on the most important means of cleansing-water as well, it will help to eliminate harmful substances from the body and maintain good health throughout the day. In addition, Jen should be drank with drunk wives.
This body cleansing option will also have a restraining effect. Headaches and concentration problems are possible. And in case of existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should contact your doctor for counseling. For example, fruit and vegetable days can increase the acidity of the stamen, leading to gastritis and even stamen ulcers.
We offer you a few options for your unloading day.
This variant of the unloading day is suitable for getting rid of the effects of the fever. Kefir has a wonderful effect on digestion, digestion, removes toxins from the body, cleanses the body of harmful substances.
But note that it is desirable to prepare in advance and remove unpleasant food from the menu for the day.
The most common product in the diet is stew, it has few calories, and harmful products prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. In one day you can make 1.5 kg of jam, and without salt and spices.
Remember also that the peel should not be peeled, as the peel is the main cellular debris. In addition to rain, it is also possible to have snowfall.
Fruit is a real treasure trove of vitamins and useful substances. And unloading days with fruits will help normalize digestion, improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. However, this does not apply to the game with bananas.
In total, you can add 1.5 kg of fruit. But this diet is only suitable for them, gifts on holidays also need to be eaten properly, otherwise it will be very difficult.
The white diet does not contain carbohydrates at all, and there are very few fats in it, which contributes to weight loss, promotes weight loss and gets rid of excess fat. You will not stay satiated on such unloading days, as foods steamed with white ingredients should keep for a long time and make you feel good.
During the white diet you are allowed to eat any fatty meat, chicken, ham, snow, vegetables (except potatoes), smoked meats. A large amount of water is required.
Buckwheat is very easy to digest and contains useful microelements and minerals. And “slow” carbohydrates help to maintain good health.
In the process of cooking, you can not add butter, salt, coriander and other products. You should take small doses several times a day.