This is just a cry of the soul, a confession that fills a person with sadness.I cannot be part of a world where a man dresses his wife like society ladies, displaying everything that is purely personal.
Where there are no concepts of honor and dignity, and where it is impossible to rely on people’s words, even if they say, “I don’t deserve honor.” “I promise.”
Where women don’t want children, and men don’t want a family.
Where those who still have milk in their mouths sit behind the wheel of a luxury car bought with their father’s money, considering themselves lucky, and anyone with even a drop of power tries their best to prove that you are worthless.
Where people with a glass of alcohol in hand hypocritically claim to believe in God, and where people have no idea about their religion.
Where the notion of jealousy is considered shameful, and modesty is considered a flaw.
Where people have forgotten about love and seek the most advantageous way to couple up.
Where people repair every tiny crack in their cars, sparing no money or time, but they look so heartbreakingly that perhaps only a luxurious car can hide it.
Where young guys spend their father’s money in nightclubs, writhing to primitive music, and that’s why young girls fall in love with them.
Where “this” and “that” have long ceased to differ from each other and all this together is called freedom of choice, but those who have chosen another path are called backward despots.
I choose my own path, all I regret is that the people I most wanted to understand me didn’t understand me…