A lonely American, in desperate search of love, set up a billboard for $400 a week in hopes of getting married.

A lonely American, in desperate search of love, decided to set up a giant billboard costing $400 a week in hopes of finding a spouse, NYP reports.

70-year-old Al Gilbert paid for the installation of the billboard, advertising his desire to find a partner. He has already found success: in just two weeks, Al received over 400 phone calls and 50 emails.

The billboard features a photo of Al and the text, which reads: «Single man can move to Stillwater,» followed by «Looking for marriage and enjoying karaoke.»

According to him, most of the calls were from people looking to get his money, but he hopes to find the right one soon. His three non-negotiable requirements are loyalty, honesty, and sincerity. He says he is willing to move anywhere in the US or even Europe for the right person.

«I have a pension income, I am in good shape, I don’t look my age, and I am open to relationships. Many elderly people are limited in their views, but I am not… I think everyone is lonely in some way. If you don’t have someone you regularly communicate with, then you are alone.»

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