Happiness in the home is measured by cats! This is what happy owners of these plush animals — British Shorthair cats — would tell you. Today, they are one of the most popular breeds, so we’ve prepared the cutest selection for you.
Winter Huntress
Kissing the paw!
Who’s next on the list?
Poor orphan, but with three chins!
These roses are for me…
Yin and Yang
To the watering hole!
Birdie? Where?
Well, when’s dinner already?
I didn’t swallow the plate! Just hid it…
When you eat a lot of citrus…
He stole your slipper!
We’re not cats, we’re owls…
And here I am!
How many times have I told you – don’t climb into the pipe!
Nope, the banana is definitely out of place here!
When one tile has both white and milk chocolate!
We hope you are now full of desire to get a British Shorthair cat! But don’t forget that there are many mixed-breed cats on the streets who are just as cute and are waiting for your love…