Mackerel Baked in Mustard Sauce: The Easiest Recipe for Delicious Fish

Mackerel Baked in Mustard Sauce: The Simplest Recipe for Delicious Fish

The recipe for mackerel presented below is one of the simplest I know. It might be even easier to just coat the fish in flour and fry it in a pan.

However, despite its simplicity, mackerel prepared this way turns out very tasty and quite visually appealing (at least in my opinion).

Ingredients List

– Mackerel: 2-3 pieces

– Onion: 2 pieces

– Soy sauce: 3 tablespoons

– Mayonnaise: 2 tablespoons

– Mustard: 2 tablespoons

The above list is sufficient; you won’t need anything else, not even salt or spices. Of course, no one will stop you from adding any seasonings to your taste, but I think the basic ingredients are quite enough.

First, you need to thaw the fish, cut off the head and fins, gut it, rinse it thoroughly, and cut it into portion-sized pieces.

Next, prepare the sauce in which the fish will be baked. To do this, mix mayonnaise, soy sauce, and mustard in any suitable bowl.

Pour the resulting mixture over the fish and let it marinate for about an hour.

On the bottom of a greased baking dish, place the sliced onion, which will act as a bed for the fish. Then, lay the marinated pieces of fish on top.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit) for about 25-30 minutes. Periodically, you can brush the fish with any leftover mustard-soy mixture to give it a nice golden crust.

You can serve the finished fish with any side dish. The onion bed soaked in fish juices will be a wonderful addition to the meal.

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