An endangered puma appears in the backyard of a house in Argentina.

Nature continues to show us that, if given the opportunity, it can heal.

During the quarantine period around the world, there have been reports of wild animals appearing in areas where they hadn’t been seen in years.

One of the species that reappeared, to the surprise of many, was the **Puma Yaguarandi**. A person reported seeing this puma at their home in the town of La Paz, Argentina. After alerting the authorities, the person took a photograph of the puma, which was walking around their backyard.

The **Puma Yaguarandi**, which is classified as an **endangered species**, had been fleeing its natural habitat because, despite the pandemic, **deforestation activities have not stopped**.

After the report from the homeowners, officials from the Brigada de la Paz Rural Crimes Unit and police officers arrived at the scene and managed to capture the feline in a cage.

After a medical check-up at the Local Prevention Directorate, the feline **is waiting to be released**. This type of puma is also known as the “leoncillo” or “coastal puma.” Its habitat can be found from Mexico to Argentina.

The main threat to the species is the **destruction of its natural habitat due to logging** for agricultural, livestock, and deforestation activities to obtain raw materials.

**Nature can heal if we give it the chance. Share this news so more people can understand that if we are determined, we can prevent the extinction of species together.**

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