The kitten joyfully leaps around because life on the street is now behind it!

A kind resident of New Jersey found a stray mother cat with kittens in their neighbourhood and decided to help them.

Alas, the cat simply, did not survive the street conditions and the kittens went straight to the city shelter as they were in dire need of a roof over their heads and medical attention.

The sole surviving kitten named Lenny held on with great willpower.

When he saw Sarah for the first time, he looked at her with his amazing eyes and sought her attention.

The kitten, being still too weak, tried to play and even made an occasional purring sound.

Lenny was found to have symptoms of neurological disease during his stay. However, that doesn’t slow him down in any way.

Lenny is determined to live life to the fullest despite his ailments.

He wants to be involved in everything and enjoys every second of his own life.

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