«Cats — one of the most mysterious creatures on our planet. Ancients revered cats, in the Middle Ages they were feared, and today we have come to love them. Perhaps our attitude towards the feline species is because there is enough magic in one furry bundle to enchant a crowd of wizards and sorcerers.
Everyone is familiar with the sacred cats of Egypt and the cats of Thailand that guarded temples from looting even better than guard dogs. It is said that if someone with impure intentions entered the temple, the monks did not always manage to save the evildoer from the enraged furry avengers.
It’s no secret that the feline tribe guards humans from otherworldly forces and astral entities, in exchange for food and blood, of course. A cat rarely does anything without a reason; observe your beloved pet, and it becomes clear that wherever she chooses to go and whatever she does, it’s with a specific, sometimes only known to her, purpose in mind.
What are the signs that a cat has sensed the presence or intrusion of negative energy?
When sensing the presence of negative energy, a cat carefully observes, determines its nature, and assesses the level of threat. It may intentionally avoid a specific area in the house or, conversely, pay excessive attention to it.
A cat may suddenly hiss and bristle at its beloved owner if they have brought negative energy into the home. It’s important to take a shower, wash your clothes, and check if you brought any borrowed items or unpleasant gifts from someone who may wish harm. If the cat refuses its usual food or play, it’s worth considering if there’s an unwelcome guest in the house or new items that have entered the home from people with ill intentions.
Sometimes, a cat simply leaves the house. In some cases, it takes negative energy away with it, while in others, it can’t cope with what has settled in the home. If your cat has left on its own, it’s essential to conduct a thorough energy cleansing of the house.
Additionally, a cat chooses a new home based on its own principles. Pay attention to when and how the cat joined the family. Perhaps someone in the household was in danger, or the home needed change. Sometimes, a home is closed off from the outside world, with residents interacting with people but not opening their hearts and souls to others. In such cases, a friendly and sociable cat may enter the house, constantly seeking attention, welcoming guests, and preferring lively games.
Many women who have gone through difficult breakups prefer to get a cat. This is because cats can sense female energy, providing comfort to those in need with their affection. However, they may also give a playful bite if their owner dwells on painful memories. It might seem like the cat simply wants attention and mischief, but it’s more likely that it’s helping its human cope.
Needless to say, paying attention to your cat’s unusual behavior can help protect yourself from a host of troubles. This is no secret; it’s why ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians valued these mysterious creatures that could curl up at their owner’s feet or, even more so, on their owner’s pillow.
Can you sleep with a cat?
Scientists have proven that sleeping with someone is beneficial for health, so why not sleep with a cat?
Often, pets are allowed to sleep in their owner’s bed, and some of them completely ignore specially purchased cat beds. Some claim that a cat in bed can bring various problems and illnesses.
Furthermore, it’s said that cats are attracted to geopathic stress zones, which are natural earth radiations in fault lines. Such radiation is harmful to the human body and can negatively affect brain function, causing sleep disturbances and, as a result, mental health issues.
Another belief is that sleeping with a cat will inevitably lead to bad dreams, and in the morning, fatigue and apathy await, as the cat supposedly drains a person’s life force and energy overnight.
Fortunately, there are many opponents of these theories. Cat enthusiasts worldwide insist that they have never slept as well as they do with their purring friends by their side.
As it’s widely known, cats have the ability to soothe their owners, especially when they lie on or cuddle with them during sleep. Cats strangely contribute to relaxation and deep, restful sleep.
It’s been proven that the sound waves produced by members of the feline tribe have a positive effect on a person’s emotional and psychological state. Purring calms and soothes, effectively combating insomnia in their owners. Psychologists recommend interacting with cats for those suffering from neuroses and depression. Taking care of a cat, playing, and sleeping with them can improve mood, normalize blood pressure, and activate brain function.
In any case, the decision to have or not have a cat, sleep with them or not, is not made by the person but rather by their purring companion.»